I'll be back...baked
Very cool and trippy. Definently different XD
I'll be back...baked
Very cool and trippy. Definently different XD
Thanks! LOL
I like the drawings, and the content was pretty humourous too :).
A backing music track would be the only thing to change I think
"The best thing to EVER come out of Flash"
Exactly what the summary says, THE BEST THING, to EVER...come out of Flash.
It makes a point, and it is quite entertaining. Not bad.
I like the art style, just like everyone else has said the other side of the phone is the issue
the phone sections have been amplified so u should b able to hear them now
Confused, though the way the scenes were set up was quite cool, and the beginning was pretty epic too.
Some more use of shades, and less bass in the music, as well as some extra length and maybe a flashback of why he wants the revenge would've helped a lot.
I'm a big DBZ fan, and I do also like Sonic and Mario, so you combining these is pure bliss for me.
Good work :)
Umm what just happened?
You get the 4/10 because the drawing looks cool, though the build up lead to massiv disappointment
Definently something different. I like. The effort put into it is also worth a kudos.
Joined on 3/17/09